Saturday, February 27, 2010

Getting Close!

I am waiting only for one order to arrive before I can make my first set of bracelets! I am thrilled and I almost can't wait. I have just about everything else set up and have just ordered business cards, mailing labels, and even a car door magnet. I plan to make two of each of several slightly different designs and offer some of them as samples/giveaways. I plan to trademark and patent this idea, so I cannot give away too many details until the product is released to the public. If you have a blog oriented toward Christians, this jewelry is perfect for your audience. Contact me if you are interested in hosting a review/giveaway of my bracelets!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have a blog that many mothers read. I would be interested in doing a review/giveaway on my blog if you still need people. Just let me know

    Thanks for stopping by and signing up for one of my fun giveaways! That's how I found your blog and I am now following you! :)
